Comparison Table of Freight Forwarder Fee Details in Chinese and English
Customs clearance charge
Customs transit clearance charge
Sheet patch up fees
Declaration form deletion or modification fee: amendment charge
Commodity inspection fee
Exchange fee for CIP
Service charge for inspection
Customs inspection fee
Customs inspection service fee:
Customs seal fee
Pounding fee
Customs unsealing fee: seal fee
Gate charge for checkpoint confirmation
Storage charge
Unloading charge
Warehouse in charge
Storage charge
Loading charge
Warehouse out charge
Tally charge
Distribution charge
Container unloading fee
Container packing fee: stuffing fee
Ownership certificate
Document charge
Stick mark charge
Bar code scan charge
Disassembly pallet charge
Value added services: other services
Overtime pay: OT charge
Insurance agent fee:
Short berth: Drayage
Container unloading charge
Container loading charge
Container CY charge
Bulk cargo truck
Demurrage charge
Loading/un loading charge
Container truckage
Refrigeration fee: frozen charge
Full box unpacking fee: dismantling charge
Container truck rent
Delivery note entry fee: data input charge
Logistics charge
Exchange fee: Delivery Order
Dead Freight
Port Surcharge
Electricity discharge fee: B/L Surrender Fee |
Comparison Table of Freight Forwarder Bill of Lading in Chinese and English
Shipping order
Delivery order
Shipping advice
Parcel receipt
Shipping permit
Charter Party
Voyage charter
Time charter
Allow loading and unloading time ① lay days ② laying days
Working days
Continuous days
Demurrage fee
Demurrage days
Dispatch money
Dead freight
Exit ① short shipment ② goods short shipped ③ goods shut out ④ shut out
Compensation Guarantee Letter (Trust Receipt)
Shipping weight
Landing weight
Ballast cargo in ballast
Ship's certificate of registry
Ship's log
Crew roll
Bill of Health
Clean bill
Unclean bill of lading
Suspected bill of lading
S/O Shipping Order
B/L Bill of Lading
B/L Copy of Bill of Lading
OBL Ocean Bill of Lading
HBL House Bill of Lading
TBL Through Bill of Lading
Advanced BL Advanced Bill of Lading
Anti dated BL
Blank BL Blank Bill of Lading
Instruction Bill of Lading 'To Order' B/L
Combined Bill
Separate Bill
Received for Shipment B/L
Transshipment B/L
Intermodal Bill of Lading Through B/L
Shipper (Consignee) Box
Arrival Notice
Manifest M/F
Batch Filing
The manifest data does not match the Manifest Discrepancy
Confirmation of Manifest Receipt
Packing List
Cargo Receipt
D/R Dock Receipt
D/O Delivery Order
Shipper's Export Declaration
Shipping Notice (similar to manifest used by NVOCC)
Manifest information
FCN Freight Correction Notice
Surrender O B/L copies for signature
Release Note receipt signed by customeracknowledged delivery of goods |